Wow! Wow! Wow! What an AMAZING week!
First things my grades back from my papers I worked ever so hard on. I scored two A's for the semester...not too shabby! I was pretty excited! The finger-crossing must have really worked, so thanks! Therein lies good news no. 1!
Good news no. 2 - I found out The Briggs are opening up for the Dropkick Murphy's on their British tour in February!! I couldn't be more excited about this! I will see The Briggs/Dropkick and The Smashing Pumpkins twice each all in the same week! So EXCITED!
So, Tuesday night I went out with the rest of the folks in the criminology department for a nice dinner and drinks. We had an absolute blast! The food was amazing and I experienced my first ever Christmas crackers. We were lucky enough to crack out some pretty fun toys (ie. yo-yos) and some pretty corny jokes...along with some super cool party crowns!
Yesterday, I caught the train to London...leaving a little later than I had planned, surprise, surprise! Anyway, I checked into a really posh hostel in a nice part of town. A little more than I wanted to pay, but after my last London hostel experience I figured it was worth it...and they include breakfast and dinner! Not to mention they're really close to a tube station. What a bargain!
So after getting checked in, I rushed over to the record shop, still hoping to catch some of Frank Turner's set. Lucky for me, I got to hear half a dozen or so songs! So I waited until the crowd cleared to say hi

We spent the rest of the night hanging with Frank's mates, before moving on to a trendy London nightclub, called Punk, in Soho. They had indie/punk karaoke happening. Yes, I actually watched Frank Turner sing karaoke! It was quite a laugh! We stayed out way too late! It was an absolute blast though! Very strange to be playing pool, sharing drinks, taking the underground, dancing, etc. with a guy who's cd's I listen to daily...
Tonight...possibly meeting back up with Frank, but not staying out so late!
Tomorrow...collecting my mom/sister from the airport! Yay! I can't wait. We have a whole week of fun planned, so I'll post again after it's finished I would imagine!
Oh, here's a few miscellaneous photos (had to start a new album!). They're from Christmas decorating of the house, Faith's birthday, BOG Christmas dinner, and a few from last night and today...more to follow!
Cheers and Happy Holidays!
Best wishes to everyone in the New Year!!