Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Please put me on a plane today...

Thought I'd update on the most recent news that I've received reference this impending departure...

There seems to be some confusion on visa requirements at this time, so that's in the process of being sorted out. I have also been approved and been extended an invitation to be a part of the University of Glamorgan for a period of six months. This means I will be gone two terms of their school and I will miss both semesters at my school. The problem now lies in whether or not I can get enough credit for this time away, so that is also in the process of being worked out. So as of right now I will be leaving mid-September and returning mid-March....yep that's right folks! Mid-March.

I'm still very excited and very scared. It's quite a process and I don't know how much energy I have to devote to all of this right now. However, now that I have moved out of my apartment in St. Louis and am trying to get settled back into life in Kansas City, maybe I'll be able to focus more of my attention on matters surrounding this opportunity!

I'll keep you posted...


Elizabeth said...

You can't get on a plane right now just so that is clear! As for the rest of it you will figure it out, I am sure in the end everything will be fine. Mid March huh? That is a long time without you.
Sad but as long as you are back in time for the big day. :-)

*~Kristi~* said...

No worries! I'll be back for the big day...and the big bachelorette party!

goalie00 said...

Wow, Kristi! I am so excited for you, this is going to be one hell of an experience!! Any word on how the credits are going to work out?