Tuesday, September 11, 2007

So Long, Bye Bye....Oh Wait! Not Leaving Today!

Ugh, today has been a challenge, to say the least. I was packed, I said my goodbyes, left for the airport, arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare, and I'm excited/nervous, but ready to leave. Ready to finally leave! I go to electronically check-in and the screen says, Your Flight Has Been Delayed, You Will Miss Your Connecting Flight, Please See Attendant...

Real nice huh? So I stand there and I wait very patiently for this lady customer service rep while she was helping another gentleman. I finally get her to turn my direction and I said, "My flight has apparently been delayed?" So she says, "Oh well I don't handle rebookings, you need to go stand in that line over there." Real nice lady. Thank you. You could have told me twenty minutes ago, and I could have been waiting in the line all that time instead of standing there waiting for nothing!

So I move to the next line and wait and wait. Finally I get to the front of the line and explain my situation, forking over my itinerary to the agent behind the counter. He proceeds to tell me that I'm not getting to London tonight, so I can either stay in Chicago, or stay in Kansas City, and who knows when I'll get to Chicago, cause the flight has been delayed due to weather. So I tell him I'd rather stay in Kansas City for the night, and leave tomorrow, if there are no other options. So he then proceeds to tell me I shouldn't book the last flight of the day tomorrow, like I had done today, because I would run the risk of this happening again...okay, well that's nice, why bother selling a last flight of the day if that's the case! Anyway, moving on...I finally get booked on a new flight for tomorrow afternoon, arriving in London at 5:55a on Thursday, September 13th. So what's the compensation for my troubles and for being out all the money on my bus tickets/hostel deposit you ask? Nada, zip, zero, nothing! United Airlines refuses to offer any sort of compensation whatsoever....here's the kicker...upon checking the weather in Chicago, it's fair, 70 degrees, with a light wind. Delayed due to weather huh? Real nice.

So upon arriving home from the airport and speaking with another less than helpful representative from United Airlines, they contend that it's not due to weather after all, but this time due to Air Traffic Control not allowing the planes to fly into Chicago. Hmm...I wonder why? The moral of the story is never book a flight on September 11th, and NEVER fly United Airlines, at least not if you want them to actually care about your troubles.

C'est la vie I suppose! Anyway, I will hopefully be departing tomorrow, given no disasters, delays, or emergencies. Goodbye again to everyone! I'll check in when I arrive in Wales!


*~Kristi~* said...

True story Sheila!

Elizabeth said...

Well I miss you already so come back now please!!!

Anonymous said...

I love you and miss you. I wish I was there traveling with you.
Have the time of your life!

Tony said...

...um you forgot something Kristi... you were supposed to stuff me in one of your suit cases! I am very upset now!

Anonymous said...

I like your moral of the story... of course if I were you I probably wouldn't have to start with, I would think it would be bad kharma or something and that might possibly be true! That ass that told you that you shouldn't book the last flight of the day obviously knows nothing about international travel, that's the best flight to have!

Anonymous said...

By the way its Erin, I forgot it doesn't put my info up if I put annonymous! Have fun and know you are loved and missed! :)