Wednesday, June 20, 2007

This is definitely a move in the right direction...

I had a meeting with my advisor, Dr. Baumer, today. So many questions were answered and in just the way I had hoped. Dr. Baumer offered so many words of encouragement and expressed that he feels my plan for the fall shows initiative and is exactly the kind of experience the PhD program is looking for. We were able to discuss plans for the spring semester and for my re-application process for the PhD program. I feel like this trip will open up so many doors and will hopefully gear me towards a focus and direction for what will eventually be my interest area and the topic of my dissertation. I am once again empowered and feel like this is absolutely the right direction for me right now.


Anonymous said...

Hey, once again, so cool! How was your last day at work? Call me!

Elizabeth said...

Yes of course!!!!
You are going to have so much fun and I am a little jealous but anyways am glad everything ins working out.